Steven Spielberg directed the first four Indiana Jones films, but after the low point in 2008, it was over: James Mangold took over the direction of the fifth film. "Indiana Jones and the Wheel of Fortune" is even more gruesome, even more stupid than the fourth film - even though we all thought up until then that "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" could not be topped. On the one hand, this has to do with the hair-raising story, which contains one of the most insane time travels in film history, but on the other hand it is due to the fact that Harrison Ford is old, but nobody seems to be willing to accept this. Instead, we see the worst de-aging technology, which conjures up an agile, lively and, above all, rejuvenated hero, when in reality we should only see a sprightly old man. Interestingly, the alienation that these images trigger is not only due to the fact that technology is not yet fully developed, but to our knowledge of reality: We all know that Harrison Ford is an 80-year-old man, and cinema cannot overcome this reality. More on this from Wolfgang M. Schmitt in the new film analysis! You can support THE FILM ANALYSIS financially - thank you very much! PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/filmanalyse Patreon: / wolfgangmschmitt Wolfgang M. Schmitt Subject: THE FILM ANALYSIS IBAN: DE29 5745 0120 0130 7858 43 BIC: MALADE51NWD Produced by FatboyFilm: https://www.fatboyfilm.de / fatboyfilm / fatboyfilm