Imagine being able to travel at the speed of light. In one second, you would cover a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers. In other words, in 1 second, you could circle the Earth 7.5 times. This is the speed at which light travels in an absolute vacuum, so a billion kilometers per hour! On average, it takes the sun's rays 8 minutes and 17 seconds to reach the surface of the Earth. In that time, you could drink a small black coffee. So why don't we humans explore space at the speed of light? Because the laws of physics make it impossible. Let's ignore this unimportant detail for a moment and imagine that we CAN travel at the speed of light. TIME: Moon 1:03 Venus 1:38 Mars 2:17 Mercury 3:04 Sun 3:32 Jupiter 4:05 Saturn 4:47 Uranus 5:19 Outskirts of the Solar System 5:55 Proxima Centauri 6:26 Center of the Milky Way 6:51 Andromeda Galaxy 7:35 #factsofthecosmos #coif #brightside Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/ The materials used (photos, videos and more) come from: https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ___ Subscribe to the Bright Side https://bit.ly/2n9VrJj ___ Subscribe to our channels: 5-Minute Tricks https://bit.ly/2J4IN8l 5-MINUTE TRICKS for GIRLS https://bit.ly/2txVU7w 5-MINUTE TRICKS for CHILDREN https://bit.ly/2F40z7V TRUE STORIES https://bit.ly/2J3Cdis