Today we will consider what would have happened if Harry had ended up in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor. What if the sorting hat had ignored his pleas and placed him in Salazar Slytherin's house. What would have happened to him? What would Harry's relationships with Rom and Hormone have been like? How would he have gotten along with Draco Malfoy? What would Potions teacher Severus Snape have to say about this? This is the first part of this series in which we will consider how the plot of the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone would have developed if Harry had been put in Slytherin, Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:14 Harry in Slytherin 04:18 Harry and Ron 05:15 The Elephant in the Room 06:50 The Butterfly Effect 09:53 Voldemort 10:44 Halloween Night 12:45 The Philosopher's Stone 14:10 Hagrid the Chatterbox 15:40 Harry the Bully 16:55 Lucius the Manipulator 17:35 Hagrid Targaryen 18:51 Errantry 19:24 Through the Trap in the Floor