What I Think About: Romantic Relationships - A relaxed live broadcast with my personal and professional ideas on various topics. After 10 years of providing clinical care, I realize that my best reflections come from discussing topics during my sessions with my patients and with the people closest to me. I hope you take something away from this content, that it helps you in your personal and professional life and who knows, that it helps me to have even better reflections for my clinical practice. Check out my Complete CBT course: https://www.essencialdatcc.com.br/ess... And my Mentoring for Psychotherapists in General: https://www.essencialdatcc.com.br/men... I also have an app for professionals that is in the BETA phase: https://luminarme.com/para-psicoterap... And a Mental Health platform to help people develop greater Mental Immunity: https://imunidademental.com.br _______________________________________________________________________ Free 30-day trial of Kindle Unlimited: https://amzn.to/3idHGzy - Get access to over a million eBooks for you to read wherever and whenever you want. Including MINE! :) Free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime: https://amzn.to/3cM7fXf - Get free shipping and access to Prime Video and watch famous series like The Rings of Power and The Boys - You help the channel through this link ;) If you are a psychology student or professional in the field, and want to delve deeper into Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and have more clinical confidence, get to know our Free CBT Ebook in detail: https://essencialdatcc.com.br/tccemde... Also download, FREE, materials for clinical use: https://essencialdatcc.com.br/materia... To get to know my ebooks and my work: [Best-Seller ????] Essential CBT Ebook: https://amzn.to/2Q0EZHa OVERCOMING BURNOUT Ebook: https://amzn.to/2RRgWgJ https://diegofalco.com.br -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If it is therapist or student, the most recommended is Judith Beck's book Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Theory and Practice. https://amzn.to/3B0fk7t To learn the teachings and also apply some techniques of cognitive therapy, the book The Mind Overcoming Mood: http://amzn.to/2vqtAEi _______________________________________ Follow us on social media and our podcast: / falcoericci / terapiacognitivaonline https://anchor.fm/diego-falco ----------------------------------------------------------------- Psychologist: Diego Candeloro Falco CRP 06/122081 FALCO AND RICCI QUALITY OF LIFE Registered under CRP number 5264/J and CNPJ 22.029.976/0001-20 _______________________ Thank you and see you next time! ,) #CognitiveTherapy #Psychology #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #MentalHealth #EmotionalHealth #Psychologist