Sooner or later we all have to deal with it: the loss of someone dear to you. It is a drastic event that can turn your life completely upside down. The grieving process that follows is different for everyone. But how do you actually grieve? What happens to your body and how long does such a grieving process last? We explain it in this video. The fragments in our videos come from the complete archive of the public broadcaster. Curious about the entire episodes? Check them out here: Jacobine on Sunday, KRO-NCRV ► https://www.npostart.nl/jacobine-op-2... Looking into the soul, NTR ► https://www.npostart.nl/kijken-in-de-... Talkshow M, KRO-NCRV ► https://www.npostart.nl/het-is-een-hu... Conversation makers, KRO NCRV ► https://www.nporadio1.nl/fragmenten/s... I mourn you, BNNVARA ► https://www.npostart.nl/3doc/24-11-20... DWDD Summerschool: Plea for grief, BNNVARA ► https://www.npostart.nl/dwdd-summersc... Want more of these knowledge videos? Subscribe and set your bell! Check out our site here: https://npokennis.nl/, and follow us on Instagram: / npokennis Do you have any questions or tips for us? We would love to hear them! Respond under our videos or email us at [email protected] NPO Kennis is the knowledge platform for anyone who wants to know what's going on. We provide clear answers to questions you have about current issues. Or matters that relate to your personal life. We hope that our answers help you better understand the news and the world around you. NPO Kennis ... and you know it.