Every year, millions of people die prematurely because of smoking. And throughout the twentieth century, the total number of deaths reached more than a third of people in Indonesia! Okay, if it's that deadly, why don't people quit smoking? Is it because it's hard? Why is it hard? And what happens if smokers quit smoking? Enjoy the video! --- Ask your weird questions here! There are NO stupid questions! 'Kok Bisa' doesn't just try to answer questions that seem stupid, strange and stupid here, but also tries to grow your curiosity about everything in this world. So, what are you waiting for? Come on, subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curious! --- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: Min, what day do you upload? A: Every Wednesday and Saturday. But sometimes there are videos that take longer to make. So, stay tuned! Q: Min, what software do you use to animate? A: Adobe After Effects Q: MIN, WHY ARE THERE MEATBALLS IN THE VIDEOS!? A: Bakso is inspiration *wink --- ???? Follow Kok Bisa Website: https://kokbisa.id (???? exciting in-depth articles every 2 weeks) Discord: https://www.kokbisa.id/discord (???? exciting chats with fellow science lovers) Instagram: / kokbisa (????️ new infographics every day) TikTok: / kokbisachannel (???? exciting short videos) Twitter: / kokbisachannel (???? discussions in the space every 2 weeks) --- For business inquiries: [email protected] --- References: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. (nd). Department of Health Factors influencing smoking levels among high smoking prevalence groups. https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/p... Crna, RNM (2023, October 4). What happens when you quit smoking? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/wha... Fletcher, J. (2023, October 30). What happens after you quit smoking? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/arti... Health benefits of quitting smoking over time. (nd). American Cancer Society. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-pr... How much nicotine do I receive from a cigarette? (nd). https://www.nicotinell.co.uk/faqs/how... Liang, YC, Liao, JY, Lee, CT, & Liu, CM (2022). Influence of Personal, Environmental, and Community Factors on Cigarette Smoking in Adolescents: A Population-Based Study from Taiwan. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 10(3), 534. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare100... Low nicotine requirements. (nd). NZ Ministry of Health. https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/r... nicotine restrictions come into, of the smoked tobacco product Manfredi CP (2002). Expressive freedom and tobacco advertising: a Canadian perspective. American journal of public health, 92(3), 360–362. https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.92.3.360 Sakti, RE (2022, January 14). Excise is not enough to control smokers. kompas.id. https://www.kompas.id/baca/riset/2022... How Come ???? The World's Great Mission to Eradicate Smoking: Realistic or Imaginary? (nd). https://www.kokbisa.id/newsletter/mem... What are the effects of smoking and tobacco? (2020, July 22). Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Retrieved November 16, 2023, from https://www.health.gov.au/topics/smok... What happens to your body when you quit smoking? (2016, August 22). WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessati... Why quitting smoking is hard Quit Smoking Tips from Former Smokers CDC. (nd). https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/... quick quiz.-,Your brain has to get used to not having nicotine, that makes quitting so hard --- A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!