A day in #forensics: In this episode, Frank gets a rare insight - he is visiting a forensic psychiatric hospital for young people. Forensics is home to people who have committed a crime but have been declared not guilty in court. Nurse Jennifer picks Frank up in front of the forensics and brings him in through several security doors and locks - at first everything is reminiscent of a classic prison... But it is not: Criminals do live here too - but they are people who were suffering from severe mental illnesses at the time of the crime and were therefore declared not guilty. In forensics, they are housed in a correctional facility as part of therapy. One of them is Nico, whom Frank gets to meet during his visit. Nico shows him the facility and tells Frank that he has been in forensics since 2016. Nico suffers from psychosis - but the criminals in forensics have a wide variety of diagnoses. Some are even so ill that they have to stay in an isolation room, as there is otherwise a great risk that they will harm themselves or someone else. Frank visited the LVR clinic in Viersen-Süchteln for this film. If you want to find out more about Nico's story and life in forensics, then watch our episode: "What happens to mentally ill criminals?" Episode 13 of the question "How do we deal with guilt?" Here is the playlist with all episodes: • Playlist If you want to find out more about Frank - here is his Instagram account: / f_cybert Reporter: Frank Seibert Author: Teresa Fries Camera: Markus Valley Editing: Markus Valley, Robert Stöger Editor: Florian Meyer-Hawranek Channel Management: Samira Schütz Community Management: Kim Stoppert This is The Question: There are these big, tricky questions that have no easy answers: Why do we bully? Why do we let animals suffer? Do we drink too much? Or: What does porn do to us? My team and I are interested in questions that have a direct impact on our lives, but also topics that are important to all of us and are often only discussed superficially. We look for answers to these questions, week after week - openly, honestly and independently. We don't meet experts for this, we are there: at the slaughterhouse, at the swinger party, while proselytizing in the pedestrian zone. And because we want to get to know as many perspectives as possible in our search, a question always occupies us for several weeks. In the end we want to give an answer, even if that isn't easy for us. With every video - but especially in the discussions with you - we get a little closer to an answer to the big, tricky questions. The question on Facebook: / diefrage The question on Instagram: / diefrage_of. . ──────────────────────────── YEAH! We are also part of #funk. Check it out: YouTube: / funkofficial funk WebApp: https://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk Instagram: / impressum funk is a joint offering of the Association of Broadcasting Corporations of the Federal Republic of Germany (ARD) and the Second German Television (ZDF).