Watch the full test of Tesla Autopilot along with my own experience of its advantages and disadvantages in this video. Be sure to watch it until the end, especially the last test. My video tool * ====================================================== === * Lumix S5 camera with lens https://amzn.to/3sGGQkF * Wireless microphone https://amzn.to/3q4cg2D * Shotgun microphone https://amzn.to/37UYqcK * MacBook Pro 16 inch https ://amzn.to/3dYC6CD * Professional Gorilla Tripod https://amzn.to/2NMhN0C * Gorilla Tripod https://amzn.to/3bSEM2e * Tripod https://amzn.to/37VTK68 * Microphone Boya shotgun https://amzn.to/301vnzA * Ring light with tripod https://amzn.to/3pYh4X3 * iPhone aluminum holder https://amzn.to/3kzFGVg * iPhone microphone adapter https://amzn.to /2NMdO48 * iPad Air https://amzn.to/3r27vba channel's most popular videos ================================ ================= How did I learn a language without class? • How can I learn English without a class... What are German student dormitories like? • What are German student dormitories like... Alps travel video • My first time in the beautiful Alps! Travel... What does a German think about Iranians? • What does a German think about us Iranians? ... I didn't even think that I would be fired • I didn't even think that I would be fired in Germany Ten worst features of Germany • Ten of the worst and most negative features... Follow my daily life on Instagram. ???? / abednaseri ** Disclaimer ** * Die meisten der hier listenchen Links sind Affiliate Links bei denen ich einen kleinen Anteil an Provision erhalte. Für euch wird derach nichts teurer und ihr verstärt den Kanal. Thank you :-) ***