Genesio told the true story of the blow he suffered a few years ago upon his retirement. We post the very beautiful place #roça #sitio #angeloportuguesvemcomigo #agronomia #sertanejo #agriculturafamiliar #agriculturafamiliar #zonarural #cowboy #genesio #sitio #agronomia #angeloportuguesvemcomigo #fazendaabandonada #caipiras #zonarural Antonio Nogueira alone forms plants on his land and sells it at the street market, #sitio #roça #plantas #animaisdomestico #angeloportuguesvemcomigo #agronomia #fazendaabandonada #zonarural #sertanejo #roça #agriculturafamiliar He works and lives peacefully with his animals. Discover the story of Zetinho, better known as Jilo, bad thing. He lives next to a big house where he had slaves #sertanejo #roça #agriculturafamiliar #sitio #fazendaabandonada #agronomia #angeloportuguesvemcomigo YOUR JILÓ LIVES ALONE IN A ONE-ROOM HOUSE ON THE SIDE OF A NORTHERN HOUSE FAZENDA MACUCO SOUNDTRACK: Moiseis Violeiro With Relationships with donations . Through the Channel Angelo Portugues Vem Comigo Donations are of your own free will. and if you want to send something by post, send it to this address: (Angelo Portugues) PO BOX 43 37973-000 Itamogi – MG Note: write discreetly on the outside of the box or letter, the name of the person who will receive it. Note: if by any chance someone gets in touch asking you for money or something like that saying it's me, believe me, IT'S NOT ME, and I will NEVER ask someone to do that. Thank you very much in advance for everything, we are immensely grateful for the trust in which you make our channel a bridge to help. SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL, FAVORITE IT, LEAVE A LIKE, SHARE THE VIDEOS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS MY SOCIAL MEDIA: / angeloportu. . / angelo Santos (Angelo Portugues official) tik tok: @angelosantos022 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING PART OF OUR CHANNEL, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO SHARE THE VIDEOS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS ANGELO PORTUGUES COMES WITH ME WE COME TO SHOW THE DAILY WORK OF OUR PEOPLE AND OUR PEOPLE, WE SHOW THE CUISINE, GARDEN, PRODUCTIVE YARD. MODES AND CUSTOMS, CULTURE AND HISTORY OF STRUGGLE AND SIMPLICITY. DESPITE THE DIFFICULTIES THEY ARE HAPPY AND KIND PEOPLE. WE SHOW THE DAY TO DAY OF SIMPLE PEOPLE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE, WHERE, SOME PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP, HAVE RECEIVED THEM THROUGH VIDEOS, MAKING DREAMS REAL AND IMPROVING THEIR ESTEEM. MANY DONATIONS; THIS IS WITHOUT ASKING FOR ANYTHING. THANK YOU VERY MUCH / @jrbrandao #roblox #angeloportuguesvemcomigo #agronomia #sertanejo #fazendaabandonada #agriculturafamiliar #sertanejo #fazendaabandonada #agriculturafamiliar #NET. #sertanejo ítio #fazendaabandonada #agriculturafamiliar #roça #lifeinthecountryside • Life in the RUSSI... #minasgerais #angeloportuguesvemcomigo https://angeloportuguesvemcomigo.com.br/ @angeloportugues• https://angeloportuguesvemcomigo.com.br/ / angeloportu. . #café #food #sun #rancho #agro #agriculture #agronomia #a #campo #agronegocio #fazenda #o #agriculture #farm #pecuaria #agropecuaria #vidanocampo #zootecnia #brasil #country #rural #veterinaria #sertanejo #soja #ro #ria #nelore #farming #cowgirl #rodeio #cowboy #caipira #countrylife #bhfyp #pãodequeijo #bolachinhadenata #queijofresco #queijocanastra #turismorural #agroindustria #oagronaopara #vendadefazenda #minasgerais #sitioavenda #turismo #agronomia #zootecnia #caipira #frangocaipira #veterinaria #countrylife #cowboy #mangalargamarchador #estradadeterra #boiadeira #carrodeboi #farmhouse #diaadianaroça #pescaria #carnenalata #granja #vacadeleite #agrobusiness #fazendoalmoço #farmer #farming #pasture #hectare #plantation #maize #harvest #vegetation #fazendaabandonada #preserved #agroindústria #farmland #agronomia #a #campo #agronegocio #fazenda #o #agriculture #farm #pecuaria #agropecuaria #vidanocampo #zootecnia #brasil #country #rural #veterinaria #sertanejo #soja #ro #ria #nelore #farming #caipira #countrylife #bhfyp #pãodequeijo #bolachinhadenata #queijofresco #queijocanastra #turismorural #agroindustria #oagronaopara #vendadefazenda #minasgerais #sitioavenda #turismo #agronomia #zootecnia #caipira #frangocaipira #veterinaria #countrylife #cowboy #mangalargamarchador #estradadeterra #boiadeira #carrodeboi #farmhouse #diaadianaroça #pescaria #carnenalata #granja #vacadeleite #agrobusiness #fazendoalmoço Transcription Follow along using the transcription. Show transcript Transcript