Governor Saito Motohiko of Hyogo Prefecture is being investigated for various allegations. The three main allegations that have been investigated so far are as follows. 1) Was there any fact that he received or begged for various items, including products from the prefecture? 2) Was there any power harassment? 3) Regarding the internal report that started it all, was the method of finding the reporter and taking disciplinary action correct? What does former Osaka Governor Toru Hashimoto think about these allegations? We asked for his views in a live appearance. (From MBS TV's "Yonchan TV" broadcast on September 9, 2024) ▼ [Ask Toru Hashimoto! Part 2] is here ▼ • Toru Hashimoto criticizes Governor Saito's claims: "It is not for you to judge that" Ishin's... ▼MBS NEWS HP https://www.mbs.jp/news/ ▼The latest news and features are delivered every day Please subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MBSnewsCH?s... #GovernorSaito #PowerHarassmentAllegations #ToruHashimoto #GovernorofOsaka #Begging #LateNight #Email #MBSNews #MainichiBroadcasting