Buy games for Steam, Uplay and Co. digitally now at Gamesplanet.com: http://bit.ly/2of1MR0 (advertising) Over 1,400 exclusive videos are available at GameStar Plus: https://bit.ly/2uU529W In the video, we're grabbing Tobias Stolz-Zwilling, PR spokesperson for developer Warhorse, to give you all the information about the first story DLC for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. From the Ashes is supposed to offer around 10 to 15 hours of new content, even if the goal looks pretty simple: you have to rebuild Pribyslawitz after the place is destroyed as part of the main campaign. As a reminder: this is where the fight against Wicht takes place. In order to initiate this reconstruction, Heinrich is quickly appointed bailiff and has to make the necessary decisions together with the treasurer Marius. To raise Pribyslawitz from the ashes, we invest in buildings, provide resource routes, and recruit NPCs from the campaign. And once the construction work is done, it is of course up to a bailiff to administer justice. In the gameplay video, for example, we have to get rid of a very fecal problem. You can find all further information about From the Ashes in the talk between Tobias Stolz-Zwilling and Dimi. If you still have questions, post them in the comments. Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC) on GameStar.de: https://www.gamestar.de/spiele/kingdo... Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PS4) on GamePro.de: https://www.gamepro.de/playstation/sp... Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Xbox One) on GamePro.de: https://www.gamepro.de/xbox/spiele/xb... GameStar on Facebook: / gamestar.de GameStar on Twitter: / gamestar_de