If you don't quite understand how the correct mixture setting on a 2-stroke engine sounds, then this video clearly shows an example of the difference between engine operation on a lean mixture with dips and when the engine is set up correctly. Hello! My name is Denis Ivanov!) If you want to make a high-quality overhaul of a motorcycle engine or any other 2-stroke engine, tune it, for example, you need to force it (increase power) or you are interested in increasing the reliability and service life of the engine, then this is the place for you!!! Second Vlog channel: / @dentuningvlog9849 Mail for advertisers: [email protected] You can thank Dan for a good video and help develop the channel HERE: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/dent... card 4276 2002 1893 7592 PayPal: [email protected] kiwi +79114559564 Yandex money 410012340081640 #stayhome #stayhomeforuse #StayHome