Start learning English with Wall Street English! Get a 50% discount on tuition — https://bit.ly/3QroZLs How will a breakthrough in nuclear fusion affect space travel? Can we detect signals from alien warp engines… using gravitational waves? Has the mystery of the shapes of galaxies been solved? Is life possible on the terminator? This and much more in the new astroreview! For advertising and cooperation inquiries [email protected] Video with the host from the Relaxation Ambient Music channel in the background: • ✨ Space Ambient Music • Deep Relaxat... Choose MSI laptops on DNS - https://bit.ly/Kosmos_Prosto_MSI Telegram channel Cosmos Prosto: https://t.me/cosmosprosto VK Cosmos Prosto: https://vk.com/cosmosprosto Support the “Cosmos Prosto” project: Boosty: https://boosty.to/cosmosprosto My video about electric motors: • Fantastic motors in real life... My video about spiral galaxies: • Why are galaxies spiral-shaped? 00:00 - Beginning 00:32 - How to detect alien warp drives 04:23 - Integration 05:41 - Life on the Terminator 10:49 - Planet falls into a star 12:13 - Comet interceptor 13:17 - End of Insight 13:43 - Samples from Mars 14:04 - Water planets 14:30 - Breakthrough in fusion and space travel 21:54 - Shapes of galaxies Sources: 1. How to detect alien warp drives https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.02065.pdf https://www.space.com/ligo-to-detect-... https://phys.org/news/2022-12-team-ph... 2. Life on the Terminator https://phys.org/news/2022-12-planets... https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.06185.pdf 3. Planet Falls Onto Star https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/news/alie... https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10... 4. Comet Interceptor https://www.esa.int/Science_Explorati... 5. The End of Insight https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasa-re... 6. Samples from Mars https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/nasa... 7. Water Planets https://www.nature.com/articles/s4155... https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/... 8. Fusion Breakthrough and Space Travel https://www.space.com/nuclear-fusion-... https://www.space.com/fusion-ignition... https://www.space.com/why-fusion-igni... https://bigthink.com/the-future/fusio... 9. Shapes of galaxies https://phys.org/news/2022-12-astrono... https://academic.oup.com/mnras/articl... https://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//... https://www.aldebaran.cz/astrofyzika/...