This time we talked about souls - what and who can we host in our home without even realizing it? What messages do souls convey? Anita Reher, an intuitive psychotherapist and healer, spoke on Klepet ob kavi. 26. 5. 2017 Klepet ob kavi is a television show that airs on TV3. The purpose of this show is for viewers to find information that can help them live a better quality of life through interesting content. The focus is on a holistic view of humans, and the topics also touch on alternative medicine, complementary medicine, healing, personal growth and spiritual development, esotericism, psychology and other areas. Our purpose is for people to make decisions every day that lead them on their own path to health, satisfaction, happiness and inner harmony. More about this on our website www.klepetobkavi.si Also visit us on Facebook: www.fb.com/klepetobkavi