Sources: https://sites.google.com/view/sources... The observable universe is quite large and has existed for over 13 billion years. Up to two trillion galaxies with around 20 sextillion stars surround us. Science assumes that there are around 40 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone. With these numbers, it seems impossible that there is no other life out there. Things Explained - Kurzgesagt is a science channel that explains complex topics from space research, physics, biology, politics, philosophy and technology in a simple and understandable way in animated form. Legal notice: https://go.funk.net/impressum We publish a new video in German every two weeks. Sometimes translations from our English-language channel, sometimes exclusive content for the German market. Since September 28, 2017, Things Explained - Kurzgesagt has been an offering from funk. Production: Kurzgesagt on behalf of ZDF for funk