What did the children of the marshals and the government of the USSR do during the WAR? Surely many people know about the fate of Stalin's son, who either died or was captured in the first months of the Great Patriotic War. But what did the children of the rest of the USSR elite do during World War II? I will tell you about this in today's video. My channel in telegram: https://t.me/two_wars My book can be purchased here: https://www.ozon.ru/product/pochemu-o... Now all my releases are on VK Video: https://vk.com/dvevoiny Watch the video about: What trophies amazed the security officers during the search of Marshal Zhukov That same video about penal battalions: • What did the penal soldiers receive for their exploits in b... The channel "Two Wars - Military History" tells in simple language about the most grandiose wars and battles in history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like, subscribe to my channel, and be sure to write your opinion in the comments, because it can be very interesting. ======================= Two wars - military history: ★ historical events in simple language ★ interesting facts about military history ★ a new look at history Contact information: Channel on Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/two_wars e-mail: [email protected] #history #GreatPatrioticWar #WorldWarII #USSR #Militaryhistory #Twowars #RedArmy #RKKA #girls #occupation