Galician Jews during the Austrian Empire. Lada Moskalets about their life and discrimination in the new episode of Without Bromine with Vitaliy Lyaska 🔔 Subscribe to the channel to learn more about the vivid and living history of Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCumr... ................................................................................... Today is the 95th episode of the program "Without Bromine" with Vitaliy Lyaska and we are hosting Vladyslav Moskalets. We will talk about Galician Jewry in the realities of the Austrian, and later - the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. How did Galician Jews live? Where did they study? Who did they work for? What oppression did they face? How did they perceive Galicia? But why were there so many Jews there? What was special about Galician Jewry? How did they relate to society? What were the political upheavals and reforms? Why did the Jews take the Ukrainian side? What was the impact of labor emigration? What is the difference between Hasidism? And why is being Jewish offensive and unacceptable? All about this is already in the issue! Ukraine is different, but strong! Watch until the end! It will be interesting and useful! ................................................................................... Important moments: 00:00 - Getting to know Lada Moskalets 01:14 - Why were there many Jews in Galicia? 03:40 - Social tension during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 05:24 - How did the partition affect Jews? 11:09 - The impact of the reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II 12:20 - How was Galicia perceived? 15:37 - Is Galician Jewry very religious or not? 21:22 - Was there discrimination in education? 24:26 - Professional discrimination 30:22 - Political fractures: the Spring of Nations of 1848 32:00 - What did the Jews want? 34:00 - Vienna was increasingly destroying the traditional structure? 36:36 - How did the Jews relate to society? 39:36 - About political collaboration 45:17 - Friendship VS hatred 54:21 - Did labor emigration interrupt development or help it? 56:03 - Why did the Jews take the Ukrainian side? 58:40 - Jew - offensive and incorrect? 01:01:39 - Historical BLITZ .................................................................................... 🎬 See also other issues: ▶️ Serhiy Taranenko about Kyiv, its history and archaeological research: • KYIV, which we do not know! Serhiy Taran... ▶️ Oleksandr Galenko on the mastery of the steppe by Ukrainians: • Ukrainians are WARRIORS, not just farmers... ▶️ Vira Ageeva on Ukrainian literature in Soviet times: • Petrified images of Ukrainian art... ................................................................................... 💭 Read more about Ukrainian history on our website: https://localhistory.org.ua .................................................................................... 👥 We are on social networks: Facebook: / lokalnaistoria Instagram: / localhistor. . Telegram: https://t.me/LocalHistoryUA