Five mistakes when choosing cables: • 5 mistakes when choosing cables. What ca... We continue the series of videos with the analysis of the most common mistakes of designers and methods of their correction. The mistake that we will analyze today usually occurs when designers try to play designers, indicating which cables and where to lay and which machines need to be installed. Most often, it is ovens that get it from designers, but other equipment in your apartment can also be at risk. Therefore, as a bonus, today, we will also analyze which cables need to be laid for which specific equipment and which machine to protect them with. And we will find out which cable and which machine is needed for sockets, lighting, oven, hob, water heater, split systems, etc. Enjoy watching! #TeamGOSTplus is an association of the best electrical specialists in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the field of electrical installation work, supported by the experience of dozens of specialists from all over the country! The GOSTplus team is a category of craftsmen who do not experiment on their customers for the sake of immediate profit. GOSTplus is guaranteed compliance, and most importantly, understanding of the requirements of state standards in the field of electrical installation work, which allows implementing the best technical solutions, which are a combination of theory and practice of many decades of experience in servicing and constructing tens of thousands of different electrical installations throughout the country.