The most common surname in Italy remains Rossi followed by Russo and Ferrari. However, Esposito, Bianchi, Romano and Colombo remain very common and follow in this order in the ranking. Closing the top ten of the most common surnames in our country are Ricci, Marino and Greco. However, the data is decidedly very different based on the areas. Here is the ranking of the most common surnames in Italy Region by Region. What are the most common surnames in Italy? Here is the ranking Region by Region: http://fanpa.ge/6toA4 Follow the updates: http://fanpa.ge/ISCRIVITI-A-FANPAGE-IT How to activate notifications CORRECTLY, from any smartphone: http://fanpa.ge/PROBLEMA-RISOLTO Comment with us on the latest news, join the Community: http://fanpa.ge/FANPAGE-COMMUNITY Fanpage.it is an independent, social, participatory newspaper. Follow our live, reports, investigations, stories and video news. Participate with us in the information. Stay connected on Fanpage.it: 👍 Facebook: / fanpage.it 📸 Instagram: / fanpage.it 🐦 Twitter: / fanpage ❤️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/CnNvFb/ For any content use please feel free to contact [email protected] Any permissions relating to the use of published content can be requested from [email protected] https://youmedia.fanpage.it/video/aa/...