TODAY'S VIDEO - What are the deposit rates? Garanti, Ziraat, Halkbank, Vakıfbank, QNB, TEB, Şeker... - How much return is there in money market funds? Which ones have the best performance and management fees? - How much is the dollar and euro in the Grand Bazaar? - Has the panic in sterling calmed down? - The increase in construction costs has stopped. - How much will the 2025 car prices increase? - Why did the ounce of gold increase? - How much is the gram of gold in the Grand Bazaar? How much is the ounce of gold? - Why did the American stock markets fall? - What you need to know about the American non-farm payrolls data. - Why did the stock market fall? The stock market is closing. - What did Bank of America do? What did it sell? Barış Soydan explains.