Every bean makes a little noise? Maybe! But that's wonderful! The reason for this is certain fiber that is digested by microorganisms in the intestines and produces carbon dioxide. BUT much more importantly: lots of protein, little fat! That's the motto of good old pulses. They also contain a lot of the rather scarce amino acid lysine, which can often be lacking in a vegan diet. So get to this large family of beans and lentils! Here you can find out a lot about preparation, spices for better digestibility and whether the broth can be used. ---------------------------------------------------------------- You can find further information on my website and on my social media channels: ► Homepage: https://www.dagmarvoncramm.de/ ► Facebook: / dagmarvoncramm ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dagmarvoncr... Don't miss any more videos and subscribe to my channel: ► / @dagmar_von_cramm