In today's TIMEOUT Podcast episode, Peti Radics was our interlocutor, with whom we discussed metal music, fans, comments and quite a few other topics. Peti Radics' YouTube channel: / @radicspetireal Peti Radics' Instagram: / radicspeti Follow us live ► / wearethevr TheVR Happy Hour on SoundCloud ► / wearethevr Twitch schedule ► https://www.thevr.hu/menetrend/ Join us ► http: //tinyurl.com/JoinTheVR Our Tech channel ► http://tinyurl.com/JoinTheVRTech TheVR Shop ► http://shop.thevr.hu What do we press? ► http://thevr.hu/mivel-nyomjuk/ Our website ► http://thevr.hu Facebook ► / thevrhu Twitter ► / wearethevr Pisti Twitter ► / thevrpisti Jani Twitter ► / thevrjani