In the video, we will tell you about 10 rules for recording vocals. We will touch on all aspects of this difficult task, we will even talk about the psychological component! Let's start with the very basics: which microphone to use depending on the vocalist's voice timbre, what the optimal volume should be, where to record, how to record and in what mood. We also suggest that we discuss with you ways to warm up the vocal cords, in particular with alcohol - is it necessary? And also what you should not do the day before and during the recording. Watch our video about simple but effective rules for recording vocals and share your experience in the comments! 0:00 Start 0:30 Choosing a microphone 2:49 Microphone placement 5:26 A room for recording vocals 6:32 Headphone volume balance when recording vocals 8:38 Microphone volume level 9:40 Compressor and its use 10:59 Pop filter 12:08 Number of takes 12:52 Vocalists are people too 14:20 Healthy sound in a healthy body 16:11 Summary #Let'sRecord ✔️ Microphones flashed in the video as examples: Our permanent microphone Se Electronics T2 https://pop-music.ru/sET2 Sennheiser E865S concert condenser microphone https://pop-music.ru/E865s LEWITT LCT440 PURE wide-diaphragm studio microphone https://pop-music.ru/Lct440Pure Universal microphone with a small RODE NT3 capsule https://pop-music.ru/RodeNt3 🔔 Live broadcast with answers to burning questions that concern everyone involved in sound recording: • STREAM - Myths and legends of sound recording 🎯 If you want to get advice from us on sound cards, microphones or any other studio equipment, you can write to us at [email protected] or call: Moscow - 8 (495) 739-2223, St. Petersburg - 8 (812) 677-09-59, multi-channel free for all of Russia 8 (800) 250-55-00 💥 WhatApp, VIBER +79112180454