The Vogue Russia channel may contain references and links to Facebook and Instagram, resources owned by Meta, a company banned in the Russian Federation. However, all information and links to Facebook and Instagram were posted before Meta was banned in Russia. The Vogue Russia channel does not contain materials and/or links to materials that are banned due to their content. The prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater showed Vogue the contents of her handbag The editors would like to thank the Ladurée restaurant for their assistance in conducting the filming: https://laduree-russia.ru/ #EkaterinaShipulina #whatinyourbag For children over 16 Social networks VOGUE RUSSIA Web: http://www.vogue.ru/video/ Newsletter: https://www.vogue.ru/subscription/ Facebook: / voguerussia Twitter: / voguerussia Google+: https://plus.google.com/+VogueRussia/ Instagram: / voguerussia Pinterest: / voguerussia YouTube: / thevoguer. . Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/voguerussia ABOUT RUSSIAN VOGUE Founded in 1892, Vogue is the world's leading fashion magazine. Today, it is published in 20 countries and collaborates with the most talented writers, photographers and stylists from around the world, invariably being an important part of the cultural life of their country.