The Glamour Russia channel may contain references and links to Facebook and Instagram, resources owned by Meta, a company banned in the Russian Federation. However, all information and links to Facebook and Instagram were posted before Meta was banned in Russia. The Glamour Russia channel does not contain materials and/or links to materials that are banned due to their content. Pat McGrath foundation, Jane Iredale blush, Maybelline New York brow sculpting mascara and Clarins lip gloss — we take a look at singer Nyusha’s makeup bag. SUBSCRIBE TO STAY UP TO DATE WITH NEW VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Other Glamour videos: Stars watch covers of their songs: • Stars watch covers of their songs Stars sing covers of their favorite songs: • Should I sing a cover? What’s in a star’s makeup bag? • What's in a star's makeup bag Fashion analysis from a fashion historian: • Fashion analysis from a fashion historian What's in a star's wardrobe? • What's in a star's wardrobe Women's health in 2 minutes: • Women's health in 2 minutes Watch more on Glamour Video: https://goo.gl/0xpBue Social networks GLAMOUR Russia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlamourRussi... Newsletter: https://www.glamour.ru/sign-up/ Twitter: / glamour_russia Vkontakte: https://vk.com/glamourrussia Instagram: / glamour_russia Pinterest: / glamourrussia GLAMOUR Russia on iPad Download for free: https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-st... What's in Nyusha's makeup bag? Glamour Russia • What's in Nyusha's makeup bag?