Use the LITO coupon and get discounts on the entire Insider website #insiderstore https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... What's happening in aviation? - In today's video, Lito Sousa explains the latest events in the world of aviation and whether this impacts the level of aviation safety. Sources: https://protecao.com.br/mundo-2023/ https://www.icao.int/safety/Documents... https://www.poder360.com.br/poder-int... https://bncamazonas.com.br/rapidinhas... https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popula%... https://www.worldometers.info/pt// https://www.poder360.com.br/brasil/pa... https://brazil.iom.int/pt-br/news/202... https://www.metropoles.com/mundo/mort... https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/pais/2023/... https://www.correiobraziliense.com.br... https://www.paho.org/pt/noticias/13-1... This is another video from Planes and Music with Lito Sousa, who was an international aircraft maintenance supervisor at an American airline for more than 35 years old and now a private pilot. Specialist in Human Factors in Aviation and Safety, Lito Sousa developed his unique methodology that has already removed the fear of flying from over 5,000 people and has now opened a school to train professionals of the future, aircraft mechanics, in partnership with many airlines. Lito's course: https://www.medodevoar.com.br All data and content in this video are written and reviewed by Lito Sousa with support from the Aviões e Músicas team. Be sure to follow Lito Sousa and Aviões e Músicas on all social networks. ✈ Become a Member of the Airplanes and Music Channel: https://bit.ly/ApoiarCanal ✈ Become an Aircraft Mechanic at Lito Academy: www.litoacademy.com.br/mma ✈ Overcome your fear of flying: www.medodevoar.com.br ✈ Lectures and training at Lito In Company: www.litoacademy.com.br ✈ Airplanes and Music Store: https://bit.ly/LojinhaAeM ✈ Business Contact: [email protected] Social Media ✈ TwitterX: Avioesemusicas ✈ Instagram: Lito ✈ Facebook: /avioesemusicas Presentation and creation: Lito Sousa Idealization and direction: Mila Seidl Production: Camila Dourado Recording: Nathan Cézar Editing: Nathan Cézar and Henrique Garcia Script: Lito Sousa Marketing: Bruno Triaquim and Larissa Alves Opening vignette: Maurício Duarte (@mauriciodgs) / Ivo Duran (@ivoduran) Motion Graphic: Henrique Garcia