All contributions to the channel please send to account number: 1013626747 - Vietcombank - DUONG QUANG THIEN Western Paradise: Truth or Myth? Ancient World Welcome to the Ancient World Channel! In ancient legends, heaven has almost no troubles, and they always enjoy endless peace. It seems that they are the happiest creatures in the world. But for Buddhism, heaven or heaven is not the best place, the gods are just sentient beings and are still in the cycle of birth and death. In reality, there is another place, a place better than heaven. And that place is the kingdom of Amitabha Buddha. Buddhists call it the Western Paradise. Who, after all, had the sudden idea of the Western Paradise? Why do they say that there is a Western Paradise? Do they have any evidence to convince us that there really is a Western Paradise? Actually, to be honest, at first I didn't believe at all that there was a Western Paradise. But after I got to know Professor Wang Defeng, a philosophy professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, and read all three Buddhist scriptures, I must confess that my view of Western nirvana has really changed. And all these mysteries will be revealed in our story today! Before we begin, don't forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel to watch more interesting videos! Thank you everyone! Hope everyone has a good time. Please watch the video on the Ancient World channel. ✔️ Ancient World will accompany you on the journey to decode mysterious events throughout human history... ✔️ Hope you have relaxing and useful moments! #ancientworld #mystery #westernparadise #adidaphat #buddhism #nirvana