In this video we provide information on all routes. Starting from the West Sumatra Route, Central Sumatra Route to the East Sumatra Route. For the West Sumatra Route, the routes to be taken are: Bakauheni Terbanggi Besar (does not go through Bandarlampung city because it is slower) Kotabumi Lampung Kerbang Waibatang Linau Tanjungraja Mana Bengkulu City Ketaun Penarik Lubuk Pinang (Does not go through Air dikit and Muko-muko, if you want) TAPAN KOTA PADANG #westsumateraroutine #westsumateraroutine #westsumateraroutinebus #westsumateraroutine2021 #westsumateraroutinejln #westsumateraroutinearawan #westsumateraroutinesumatrabarat Music: Bensound.com