Wesh Tani series, episode 1, starring Karim Abdel Aziz - Hussein Fahmy - Entesar - Mona Fadali - Mohamed Lotfy Story and direction: Wael Abdullah Production: Louay Abdullah - Wael Abdullah - Oscar for Artistic Recordings (Hassan Abdullah) The series revolves around the character (Sayed Bushriya), who is 35 years old and gave himself the title Bushriya because from his point of view he fulfills people's ambitions. Do you want to be a lawyer? I'll make you a lawyer. Do you want to be a doctor? I'll make you a doctor? To follow the episodes of the series Wesh Tani: http://bit.ly/2oJlWov To follow more series on the Oscar series channel, you can click on the following links: The Jujube Man series: http://bit.ly/2pILoul The Excellence series: http://bit.ly/2pvBbk5 The Dali series, part 1: http://bit.ly/2qiuWOv The Dali series, part 2: http://bit.ly/2pILfam The Devil's Joys series: http://bit.ly/2oXVxPz The Ahla series Population: http://bit.ly/2oSRxza