First ascents, volcanic eruptions, plane crashes. Almost all of Werner Herzog's films are about extreme events and characters; they show absolute borderline situations of human existence. Why does he keep doing this and what drives him? Topics in this episode: 00:00 Are we experiencing a turning point? 08:38 Does a director have to be a loner? 32:23 Have we lost touch with nature? 45:57 Are you a religious person? 🔔 Subscribe now to SRF Kultur Sternstunden on YouTube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/srfkultur?sub... "Aguirre, the Wrath of God", "Fitzcarraldo" or "Queen Of The Desert" - Werner Herzog makes films about outstanding figures in borderline situations, there are already over 80 of them. This year two of his films are premiering. Herzog switches between feature films and documentaries seemingly effortlessly, is considered something of a loner in the film business, has staged operas in Milan and Bayreuth and is now also active as an author. He recently published his memoirs, "Every Man for Himself and God Against All". In them, the auteur filmmaker describes, among other things, his childhood in Bavaria, when farmers still worked exclusively with horses and breaking news was announced by a crier in the village square. In a conversation with Wolfram Eilenberger, Herzog talks about the arduous search for the right image, about the reverence for creation and about amazement as the beginning of all art. Sternstunde Philosophie from November 6th, 2022 ____________________ Person responsible for the program: Director: Karin Praxmarer, Producer: Christian Walther, Management: Judith Hardegger, SRF 2022 ____________________ SRF Kultur Sternstunden on YouTube 🔔 https://www.youtube.com/srfkultur?sub... More culture on Facebook 👥 / srfkultur More culture on Instagram 🎨 / srfkultur More culture on Twitter 🐦 / srfkultur More culture on srf.ch 👉 https://www.srf.ch/kultur ____________________ The “Sternstunde Philosophie” cultivates the in-depth and critical exchange of ideas and gets to the bottom of the burning questions of our time. The “Sternstunde Philosophie” draws a broad arc from socio-political topicality to the fundamental questions of philosophy: Who is responsible for what, what does human freedom consist of, what determines the meaning of our life? Guests include personalities from science, culture, politics and business - voices that stimulate thought and reflect and classify our current events. ____________________ Moderation: Barbara Bleisch: / barbarableisch Yves Bossart: / bossart_yves Wolfram Eilenberger: http://www.wolfram-eilenberger.de/ ____________________ Social Media Netiquette from SRF: ► https://www.srf.ch/social-netiquette #SRFKultur #SRFKulturSternstunden #SRFSternstunde #Philosophie #WernerHerzog #Regisseur #Autor #Grenzerfahrungen #SRF #Kultur 💬 Do you have any questions, suggestions or criticism? Then write to us at: [email protected]