Sources: https://sites.google.com/view/sources... When we think of alien civilizations, the first thing we think of is the vastness of space, of far-off planets. But there is another, incredibly vast dimension that we perhaps pay too little attention to: time. Could it be that there has been other intelligent life on Earth over the past hundreds of millions of years? Native, technologically advanced species that have continued to evolve and eventually become extinct? And are they or their artifacts possibly buried deep beneath our feet? What does science say about this, and what does that mean for us? Things Explained - Kurzgesagt is a science channel that explains complex topics from space research, physics, biology, politics, philosophy and technology in a simple and understandable way in animated form. We publish a new video in German every two weeks. Sometimes translations from our English-language channel, sometimes exclusive content for the German market. Since September 28, 2017, Dinge Erklärt – Kurzgesagt is an offer from funk: YouTube: / funkofficial Instagram: / funk TikTok: / funk Website: https://go.funk.net Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum