Who would have thought that going to the swamp for cranberries, THIS WOULD HAPPEN! When we found what we want to show you in this film, we were simply shocked! It turns out that mushrooms grow in swamps too! They grow in huge glades, of unprecedented beauty and enormous size! A small patch, or rather a clearing of small birch groves at the exit to the swamp is all strewn with mushrooms! At first, these mushrooms are not even visible, but you just have to look closely and mushrooms are everywhere - behind the nearest hummock, in the lichen underfoot, in the withered grass all around! And everything is perfectly clean! Every mushroom is a beauty! We stamped around in one place and kept finding and finding porcini mushrooms in the most beautiful carpet of green sphagnum! THIS IS MUSHROOM HAPPINESS - FINDING SUCH MUSHROOMS AND NOTHING ELSE IN LIFE IS NEEDED. But from words to deeds. We offer you to watch one of our best films! The video turned out to be long, but it's worth it! The film keeps you in suspense until the very end, and from the middle to the very denouement... and let there be intrigue, you will see everything yourself! With all responsibility I can call this quiet hunt one of the best in our lives!