Billiards is ultimately a battle of wits!? Anyone can master billiards by memorizing the double cushion formula taught by Lee Sang-dae! Did Jeong Su-bin succeed in mastering the double cushion? Watch it now! #WelcomeAcademy #LeeSangDae #JeongSu-bin #DoubleCushion #NarrowSlope #MitsuriCushion #PBA #LPBA #TeamLeague #WellBangPhoenix #BlueOneResort #SKRentACar #NHNongHyupCard #CrownHaitai #TSShampooPuraDak #HanaCard #Huons #KimYeEun #SeoHyunMin #BiRoll #HanJiSeung #OhSuJeong #Kudrong #LeeSangDaeAcademy #WelcomeSavingsBank A. This video will be posted even after the expiration date for the purpose of preserving the bank's records. B. Welcome Savings Bank Compliance Supervisor Deliberation No. 4478 (2023.03.31~2024.03.30)