Jung Soo-bin, a former participant in Mitsuri Cushion, has returned to the Welcome Billiards Academy! How much has Jung Soo-bin's skill improved through Lee Sang-dae's Welcome Billiards Academy? Jung Soo-bin's conquest of the double cushion starts now! #WelcomeAcademy #LeeSangDae #JungSooBin #DoubleCushion #WideSlope #MitsuriCushion #PBA #LPBA #TeamLeague #WellBangPhoenix #BlueOneResort #SKRentACar #NHNongHyupCard #CrownHaitai #TSShampooPuraDak #HanaCard #Huons #KimYeEun #SeoHyunMin #BiRoll #HanJiSeung #OhSuJeong #Kudrong #LeeSangDaeAcademy #WelcomeSavingsBank A. This video will be posted even after the expiration date for the purpose of preserving the bank's records. B. Welcome Savings Bank Compliance Supervisor Deliberation No. 4470 (2023.03.38~2024.03.27)