IN RECORD TIME From Ufa to Moscow one and a half times faster. Vladimir Putin and Radiy Khabirov opened a section of the M-12 "Vostok" highway, which runs through the territory of Bashkortostan. DIRECT LINE WITH PUTIN An honest and open dialogue with the people. The President of the country also summed up the results of 2024 during the direct line. We will tell you about the key topics. MAGIC TIME Magic with Bashkir flavor. The main residence of the national Father Frost has opened in the republic. What do they ask Kysh Babai for and where can you already get a piece of New Year's magic? ***** Subscribe! Official website of the BST TV channel: https://bash.news VKontakte group: https://vk.com/bash_tv Channel with live broadcasts of BST: / @event-lq3dj Official website of the BST TV channel: https://bash.news Telegram channel: https://t.me/bst_rb VKontakte group in Bashkir: https://vk.com/bstnews Odnoklassniki group: https://ok.ru/bashtv *****