Palliative care is a special form of medical and nursing treatment for people with a serious and incurable illness. The focus is not on healing, but on alleviating distressing symptoms. The aim is to give those affected and their families and relatives the best possible quality of life. Palliative care for people with dementia addresses various specific questions: When does palliative care actually make sense? What role does pain management and psychosocial support play? Or how can you talk to people with advanced dementia about their wishes and needs? Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Ostgathe heads the Palliative Medicine Department at Erlangen University Hospital and holds the chair for Palliative Medicine at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He was President of the European Palliative Care Association (EAPC) and Vice President of the German Society for Palliative Medicine (DGP) for several years. In the upcoming webinar, the specialist in anesthesiology, palliative medicine and special pain therapy will discuss the various challenges in palliative care for people with dementia and present innovative approaches for patient-oriented care for dementia.