In terms of old-age social protection, civil servants (State, local authorities, hospitals) are affiliated, depending on their status, to different pension schemes. What about disabled employees? Specific operating features of the schemes, departure procedures. _______________________________ About the FIPHFP: Created by the law of 11 February 2005 and set up at the end of 2006, the FIPHFP, Fund for the integration of disabled people in the civil service, finances recruitment, job retention, training and accessibility actions for people with disabilities in the three civil services (ministries, cities, departmental and regional councils, hospitals, etc.). It operates throughout the country and for all public employers by offering one-off assistance on its online platform, or through multi-year agreements with employers and as part of the accessibility programme. Since its creation, the employment rate has increased from 3.74% in 2006 to 5.44% in 2021. The FIPHFP is a national public institution headed by Marc Desjardins: “it is placed under the supervision of the ministers responsible for disabled people, the State civil service, the territorial civil service, the hospital civil service and the budget” (decree no. 2006-501 of May 3, 2006). Its administrative management is provided by the Caisse des Dépôts. More information on www.fiphfp.fr Follow the FIPHFP on Twitter @FIPHFP and on Linkedin @FIPHFP