For people who have been affected by QVS or chronic Q fever, many everyday things are no longer self-evident. That is a hard blow and it takes time and effort to process it. The loss and pain that this brings is also called 'living loss'. You can experience that loss in many areas. Think of the future dream or nice job that you have to give up. That bigger house that is no longer coming. Your favorite sport that you can no longer practice. The father or mother that you can no longer be, as you had imagined. The friends that you lose because you no longer come to their parties. Learning to live with this and accepting this is very difficult. Those around you do not always understand this. Someone who does understand everything about this and would like to tell you more about it is grief expert Manu Keirse. Grief therapist Gerda van Hemert helps you learn to deal with your loss. This webinar was given on January 28, 2023. More information about this webinar and group meetings can be found on the Q-support website: https://www.q-support.nu/trainingen-w...