Web sockets have always been a complex and scary topic for me, which made me hesitate to try many of my ideas. From its reconnection issues to missing messages due to internet problems, etc. In this video, we want to get to know the Centrifugo tool together, which comes up with every language and technology we use for our backend and solves a single example related to web sockets. It has hidden features such as handling lost messages and scaling with Redis, which makes us worry about many things. Project link on Git: https://github.com/mhrlife/centrifugo... Telegram group link: https://t.me/MhrCodeGp Telegram channel link: https://t.me/MhrCode I am Mohammad Hosseini Rad, I have work experience in companies such as Cafe Bazaar and Divar. In my videos, I try to publish my experiences in #programming #computer_engineering #software #web_development #backend.