Wealth engineering for business owners - Part 1 Part 1 - Taxation of business owners, how to optimize it I. Overview of taxation of business owners 1. Overview of taxation 2. Companies subject to income tax and taxation of business owners 3. Companies subject to corporate tax: taxation of the company and the business owner 4. Registration fees 5. IFI. Professional real estate 6. Transfer taxes. Dutreil pacts 7. Tax optimization strategies. II. Companies subject to income tax; tax systems A. - Companies subject to income tax, professional activity 1. Taxation of income, capital gains 2. Tax exemption schemes 3. Taxation of contributions to companies subject to income tax, corporate tax 4. Holding: taxation of results. B. – Civil company subject to IR, private management 1. Taxation from creation to dissolution 2. Transfer of shares: real estate predominance? 3. Contributions to companies subject to IR, IS 4. Holding: taxation of the result. III. Companies subject to IS and tax optimization of the business manager A. – Taxation of dividends paid to the business manager or to the holding company B. – Optimizing taxation on capital gains Overview of the taxation of sales, contributions 1. Common law tax regime 2. Allowance for holding period 3. Incentive allowance 4. Retirement of the business manager 5. Contribution of a company subject to IS to a holding company controlled by IS: deferral of taxation 6. IS contribution to a holding company not controlled by IS: deferral of taxation. IV. Registration fees. How to reduce them 1. Contributions to companies 2. Transfer of securities. V. IFI and business manager 1. Presentation 2. Professional real estate regime. The wealth engineering of the business manager consists of designing the wealth strategy, organizing, structuring, arranging the different components of the wealth in order to best meet the expectations of each business manager. ☀️ Other training and support offered: Practice of wealth management consulting Wealth management of the business manager Governance of family businesses Civil patrimonial company SAS, simplified joint stock company, and preferred shares Wealth holding company, family group Tax engineering of the business manager Dutreil Pacts Transfer of businesses Taxation of transfer for consideration and free of charge Transactions on share capital Dismemberment of ownership Pacs and marriage contracts Transfer of wealth Liberal professions: structure of practice, taxation