Helloo! Today we are waxing men as revenge for makeup! We don't take pity on you by pulling a cart. Have you ever waxed someone else? Are waxing experiences always painful? Is the pain threshold different for everyone? Is the waxing sister character real? Share your thoughts with us, let's meet in the comments! We love youzz♡ See you on Tuesdays and Fridays at 19:00♡ Dobi Production Management: Aslı Sever Artun Öykü Dörter Onat Artun - Shooting & Editing: Özgür Malkoç Sound: Onat Artun Project Coordinator: Özgür Malkoç - Öykü Dörter Production: Dobi Production - You can follow us here! Instagram: Toxic Relations: / toxiciliskiler Öykü Dörter: / oykudorter Aslı Sever: / aslisever Dobi Production: / dobiproduct. . - Tiktok: Öykü Dörter: / oykudorter Aslı Sever: / aslisever0 Dobi Production: / dobiproduction http://dobiproduction.com - Mail: [email protected] If you are ready to question the possibility of all your relationships being toxic, you are invited to the inner reckoning of Aslı and Öykü here every Tuesday and Friday!