Historian, professor, sought-after speaker, member of the Academia Paulista de Letras, writer (he is releasing Preconceito: Uma História) and columnist for Estadão, he has always been a voracious reader - and it is easy to imagine the living room of his spacious apartment in Jardins completely taken for books. Or to think that at least one of the rooms keeps, on shelves from floor to ceiling, in an environment with welcoming light and a comfortable reading chair, his literary treasures, the books he has already read and the ones he still wants to read. But there are hardly any books in Karnal's house. There is no reason why he no longer believes that possession of the book means something important - he already did, and his house, some time ago, could have been mistaken for a second-hand bookstore, with books even under the bed and in the bathroom, and with nothing less than 17 Portuguese language dictionaries and 30 different Bibles. Also because he has allergic rhinitis. And because people and projects crossed his path that would make new - and better - use of his “dead library” (dead, but renewed daily with the arrival of shipments from publishers who hope, one day, to see their works in some of his texts ). Find out more: https://www.estadao.com.br/cultura/li... Subscribe for R$1.90/month and have unlimited access to Estadão content. Visit: https://bit.ly/estadao-oferta