It's time to put that old dream of traveling around the world on the table and go! Let's start this trip with some unresolved points in Patagonia, places we've wanted to go for a long time, but we didn't have the opportunity, time, money... Now, in addition to the opportunity, we have reasons to go to the end of the world and enjoy some amazing places, and Donna Elda and I would like you to come with us on this motorcycle trip, watching every Sunday at 7 pm here on our YouTube Channel. Come with us, like, comment and share with your friends, but only with those who like motorcycle trips. -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Support Our Partners of this Project: GIVI – www.givi.com.br TEXX – www.texx.com.br Support Our Channel Partners: TUDO PARA MOTO - www.tudoparamoto.com.br COUPON: GUGADIAS10 BARATA PNEUS - www.baratapneus.com.br COUPON: GUGADIAS CARTÃO NOMAD - https://bit.ly/4aSyvQJ - link with COUPON: GUGADIAS -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Link not recommended for sensitive people: https://bit.ly/2TpSjG3 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// BECOME A SUPPORTER / MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL /// -- Consider being our supporter, join the Members Club: / @gugadiasnaestrada -- Become a Sponsor of our Series by APOIA.SE GugaFLIX: https://bit.ly/3mZ3pi8 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// WANT TO TRAVEL BY MOTORCYCLE? USE MY ITINERARIES /// -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Ushuaia Access now https://bit.ly/3ZSMi46 -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Serras & Rastros Access now https://bit.ly/3AmjfKb -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Atacama Desert Access now https://bit.ly/43h6krL -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// DO YOU LIKE HARD TIME? ONLY WHAT WENT WRONG ON MY TRAVELS /// -- E-BOOK TaqueoPariu - The other side of motorcycle travel Only digital version with 2 new stories and unpublished photos: https://bit.ly/3s2vpo9 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Follow our adventures on Instagram: @gugadiasnaestrada -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- #GIVI #TEXX #EVERYTHINGFORMOTORCYCLE #BARATAPNEUS #CARTÃONOMAD #GugaDias #DIÁRIOdeMOTOCICLCETA