OLGA wants you to SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://bit.ly/OlgaYT The day after Cris Morena Day: Nati arrived late and full of rock, we reacted to the event and backstage and we welcomed the boss of Tomi Yankelevich. Memories of Romi Yan, stories of Margarita and much more in a GREAT PROGRAM. 00:00 Today Nati MADE a MISTAKE 03:00 Betu killed it 13:00 Betu's matches 28:00 Betu dances with deodorants 29:00 Nati rockera IS REAL 35:44 We react to Cris Morena Day 43:00 Nati's evil twin 48:00 Betu's Chufa Cha 59:40 Back at rehearsals 1:07:00 From 1 to 10, is Luqui going to the after? 1:12:17 We react to Lali live 1:22:30 The capo of Tomás Yankelevich arrived 1:38:50 The memory of Romina Yan 2:44:00 Why didn't they call Nati for the series 2:46:00 Olguita's after #olga #olgaenvivo #seriaincreible #eialmoldavsky #natijota #homeropettinato #betular #crismorenaday #tomasyankelevich ---- HEY! YOU! You can also stop by: Instagram: / olgaenvivo Twitter: / olgaenvivo TikTok: / olgaenvivo Twitch: https://twitch.com/olgaenvivo