Click to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHKl... Facebook: / wmnmagazin; WMN homepage: https://wmn.hu/ Loneliness is a mass disease of the modern age, which not only sickens the soul, but also the body. Despite our constant online presence, our relationships are not deep or real. We are unable to connect well, to search for a partner with sufficient self-awareness, and to put aside our often unrealistic expectations that get us into trouble. Yet, among other things, all of this would be essential to prevent our attempts from drowning in failure. But what else is needed for successful dating? Why do we get so many disappointments? What are we looking for in the other person anyway? In this week's episode of the Beszélnük kell! podcast series, D. Tóth Kriszta and Orvos-Tóth Noémi talk about loneliness and dating.