@ilkabessinofficial - Comedian and comedian With her unmistakable style, her authenticity and her unique sense of humor, Ilka Bessin is an integral part of the German comedy scene. She became known in the Quatsch Comedy Club with her fictional character Cindy from Marzahn, but in recent years she has also been on stage as herself. In an interview, she explains how it came about that Cindy had to take a break, why Ilka Bessin now thinks that Cindy is needed again and why she would like to go on tour again as the popular Berliner. The entire RIVERBOAT episode in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/suche/Riv... RIVERBOAT on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MDRriverboat/ All information about RIVERBOAT on the homepage: https://www.mdr.de/riverboat/index.html More interesting guests can be found on the RIVERBOAT YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/@UCZy...