► Meet CBMM: https://bit.ly/3tadxtR We have another member in our collection: we made the perfect niobium ball! And, this time, we used a unique method: a metal lathe! But first of all, do you know what niobium is? It is a metal that has many applications, such as being used in conjunction with steel, making it more malleable and resistant. Want to see how a niobium billet became an incredible perfect ball? Check it out! ► How is NIOBIUM PRODUCED! • How is NIOBIUM PRODUCED! #Boravê ► WHERE DOES ALUMINUM COME FROM? • WHERE DOES ALUMINUM COME FROM? #Boravê with M... ► Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/iberethenori... Questions and suggestions: [email protected] Business: [email protected] Press and invitations: [email protected] Website: http://manualdomundo.com.br Facebook: / manualdomundo Instagram: / manualdomundo Tik Tok: / manualdomundo Instagram Mari: / amarifulfaro Twitter Iberê: / iberethenorio CREDITS Direction and presentation: Iberê Thenório Executive direction: Mari Fulfaro Content direction: Fernando A. Souza Production direction: Tiago César Silva Planning coordination: Marcel Albert Editing coordination: Thaís Paneto Communications coordination: Noelle Marques Content production: Arthur Lasak Okuda Technical consulting: Luiza Egger, R. Pena Spinelli and Vitor Moreira Camera: Felipe Reis Image editing and finalization: Filipe Candido Internship Editing: Fernando Pasquarelli Support: CBMM Copyright© 2023 Manual do Mundo®. All rights reserved.