🔗 Watch the full video HERE: https://dvtv.ink/zuzana_cejkova “Just the fact that you don’t mind sitting for hours at a time is a signal that something is wrong with your body. Nowadays, we are used to being more in our heads and less in our bodies. When we don’t listen to what it tells us, it starts screaming. We can hear it because it’s pain,” says physiotherapist Zuzana Čejková, author of the Instagram account Fyziomluva. “It’s amazing detective work, I ask clients about intimate things and I’m happy when they answer me truthfully, because then we can achieve great results. A physiotherapist is just a guide who shows you the path, but you have to walk it yourself.” 🎥 SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEST INTERVIEWS ON YOUTUBE: https://dvtv.ink/YouTube 👁 Follow us on Facebook: / dvtv.cz 📸 We are also on Instagram: / dvtv 💬 You can also find us on X /Twitter/: / dvtvcz 🎙 Subscribe to us as podcasts via RSS in your apps: https://dvtv.ink/podcasty