Survival in the Amazon jungle, preparing a free-range chicken. The life of someone who lives isolated in the middle of the forest, living with wild animals, snakes, jaguars, alligators, monkeys, birds. Fishing and catching lots of fish, tucunaré, traira, piranha, tambaqui, piraiba, pirapintinga, jau, pirara, pial. CONTRIBUTE TO CANCER PATIENTS PIX: [email protected] The account holder is GILMARA DO CARMO TRINDADE _________________________________________________ Want a gift for us? Our post office box 3906 São José Operário Agency ZIP Code 69.087970 Manaus AM Gilmara do Carmo Trindade _________________________________________________ my Instagram https://instagram.com/giltrindade_ama... _________________________________________________ what is the life of the riverside dwellers the daily life of the Amazon bloggers living from artisanal fishing, real life in the Amazon with the riverside dwellers fishing with harpoons, where to fish Hyano and Gilmara fishing #riverside dwellers #camping #isolated #survival #fishing #howtofish #sportfishing #shortfishing #caipirafishing #trairão #amazing #jaguar #bamboorod #indians #fishingvideos #piraiba #leatherfish #alligator #amazonia #amazonas @GilTrindadeAmazonia