WE LISTENED TO THE AKM BUILDING, WHICH CARRIED THE TRACES OF THE 20TH CENTURY INTO THE 21ST CENTURY FROM ARCHITECT MURAT TABANLIOĞLU I WITH THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF YILDIZ ENTEGRE ON THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE TREE WITH ŞELALE KADAK #akm #yıldızentegre #murattabanlıoğlu #şelalekadak 00:00 Introduction 01:00 The guest of the series On the Trail of the Tree with Şelale Kadak is Architect Murat Tabanlıoğlu 02:20 All the opera houses in the world have a story 05:00 Architect Hayati Tabanlıoğlu completes the AKM building 17 years after its foundation was laid 06:40 Hayati Tabanlıoğlu rebuilds the building after the great AKM fire 07:40 The restoration of the AKM was done by the architect Murat Tabanlıoğlu, the son of the first architect Hayati Tabanlıoğlu 11:30 There are many the story of the talked about red sphere 13:50 How did the building of the 20th century move to the 21st century? 15:40 Is architecture a profession passed down from father to son? 19:00 What is the best overseas market for Turkish architects? 23:40 Architects came together and formed a committee for Antakya! Check out the Videos on my Channel; 1) Exxen's Jaw-Dropping Annual Budget! All the Details About the Exxen Platform from Acun Ilıcalı https://bit.ly/3rY6GjI 2) Truth or Dare with Ali Koç? Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/3jTPxF5 3) A Surprise from Acun to His Daughter Melisa! My Magic Mom is on Exxen with a New Cast and New Episodes! https://bit.ly/3qrK7Dt 4) Truth or Dare with Fazıl Say? Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/3rXRxP9 5)How Did Age 50 Change Fazıl Say? Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/3s1TU3o 6)What Is Fazıl Say's New Project? Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/3piZxbW 7)Truth or Dare with Acun Ilıcalı? Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/3qm3xts 8)Truth or Dare with Ali Koç? Behind the Scenes Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/37fZPKf 9)Truth or Dare with Ali Koç? Behind the Scenes Şelale Kadak https://bit.ly/2NcdStx 10)The House You Were Born Is Your Destiny! How Did the Paths of Acun Ilıcalı and Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu Cross? https://bit.ly/3tYEfUF To subscribe to my channel; https://bit.ly/2HmRj28 To follow me on Twitter; https://bit.ly/2HubmLW To follow me on Instagram; https://bit.ly/3dLqFMw To follow me on Facebook; https://bit.ly/3dNay0U To follow me on Linkedin; https://bit.ly/3jiec40